Aperture photometry

There are four aperture functions available:


Sums data within…




circular annulus/annuli




elliptical annulus/annuli

The follow examples demonstrate options for circular aperture photometry. The other functions behave similarly.

# sum flux in circles of radius=3.0
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0)

# x, y and r can be arrays and obey numpy broadcasting rules.
# Here, r is an array instead of a single number:
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'],
                                     3.0 * np.ones(len(objs)))

# use a different subpixel sampling (default is 5; 0 means "exact")
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,

Error calculation

In the default modes illustrated above, the uncertainty fluxerr is not calculated and values of 0 are simply returned. The uncertainty can be flexibly and efficiently calculated, depending on the characteristics of your data. The presence of an err or var keyword indicates a per-pixel noise, while the presense of a gain keyword indicates that the Poisson uncertainty on the total sum should be included. Some illustrative examples:

# Specify a per-pixel "background" error and a gain. This is suitable
# when the data have been background subtracted.
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,
                                     err=bkg.globalrms, gain=1.0)

# Variance can be passed instead of error, with identical results.
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,
                                     var=bkg.globalrms**2, gain=1.0)

# Error or variance can be arrays, indicating that the background error
# is variable.
bkgrms = bkg.rms()  # array, same shape as data
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,
                                     err=bkgrms, gain=1.0)

# If your uncertainty array already includes Poisson noise from the object,
# leave gain as None (default):
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,

# If your data represent raw counts (it is not background-subtracted),
# set only gain to get the poisson error:
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,

The error is calculated as

\[\sigma_F^2 = \sum_i \sigma_i^2 + F/g\]

where the sum is over pixels in the aperture, \(\sigma_i\) is the noise in each pixel, \(F\) is the sum in the aperture and \(g\) is the gain. The last term is not added if gain is None.


Apply a mask (same shape as data). Pixels where the mask is True are “corrected” to the average value within the aperture.

flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,

Local background subtraction

The sum_circle and sum_ellipse functions have options for performing local background subtraction. For example, to subtract the background calculated in an annulus between 6 and 8 pixel radius:

flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 3.0,
                                     mask=mask, bkgann=(6., 8.))

Pixels in the background annulus are not subsampled and any masked pixels in the annulus are completely igored rather than corrected. The inner and outer radii can also be arrays. The error in the background is included in the reported error.

Equivalent of FLUX_AUTO (e.g., MAG_AUTO) in Source Extractor

This is a two-step process. First we calculate the Kron radius for each object, then we perform elliptical aperture photometry within that radius:

kronrad, krflag = sep.kron_radius(data, x, y, a, b, theta, 6.0)
flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_ellipse(data, x, y, a, b, theta, 2.5*kronrad,
flag |= krflag  # combine flags into 'flag'

This specific example is the equilvalent of setting PHOT_AUTOPARAMS 2.5, 0.0 in Source Extractor (note the 2.5 in the argument to sep.sum_ellipse). The second Source Extractor parameter is a minimum diameter. To replicate Source Extractor behavior for non-zero values of the minimum diameter, one would put in logic to use circular aperture photometry if the Kron radius is too small. For example:

r_min = 1.75  # minimum diameter = 3.5
use_circle = kronrad * np.sqrt(a * b) < r_min
cflux, cfluxerr, cflag = sep.sum_circle(data, x[use_circle], y[use_circle],
                                        r_min, subpix=1)
flux[use_circle] = cflux
fluxerr[use_circle] = cfluxerr
flag[use_circle] = cflag

Equivalent of FLUX_RADIUS in Source Extractor

In Source Extractor, the FLUX_RADIUS parameter gives the radius of a circle enclosing a desired fraction of the total flux. For example, with the setting PHOT_FLUXFRAC 0.5, FLUX_RADIUS will give the radius of a circle containing half the “total flux” of the object. For the definition of “total flux”, Source Extractor uses its measurement of FLUX_AUTO, which is taken through an elliptical aperture (see above). Thus, with the setting PHOT_FLUXFRAC 1.0, you would find the circle containing the same flux as whatever ellipse Source Extractor used for FLUX_AUTO.

Given a previous calculation of flux as above, calculate the radius for a flux fraction of 0.5:

r, flag = sep.flux_radius(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 6.*objs['a'], 0.5,
                          normflux=flux, subpix=5)

And for multiple flux fractions:

r, flag = sep.flux_radius(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 6.*objs['a'],
                          [0.5, 0.6], normflux=flux, subpix=5)

Equivalent of XWIN_IMAGE, YWIN_IMAGE in Source Extractor

Source Extractor’s XWIN_IMAGE, YWIN_IMAGE parameters can be used for more accurate object centroids than the default X_IMAGE, Y_IMAGE. Here, the winpos function provides this behavior. To match Source Extractor exactly, the right sig parameter (giving a description of the effective width) must be used for each object. Source Extractor uses 2.  / 2.35 * (half-light radius) where the half-light radius is calculated using flux_radius with a fraction of 0.5 and a normalizing flux of FLUX_AUTO. The equivalent here is:

sig = 2. / 2.35 * r  # r from sep.flux_radius() above, with fluxfrac = 0.5
xwin, ywin, flag = sep.winpos(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], sig)

Segmentation-masked image measurements

SourceExtractor provides a mechanism for measuring the “AUTO” and “FLUX_RADIUS” parameters for a given object including a mask for neighboring sources. In addition to the mask, setting the SourceExtractor parameter MASK_TYPE=CORRECT further fills the masked pixels of a given source with “good” pixel values reflected opposite of the masked pixels. The SEP photometry and measurement functions provide an option for simple masking without reflection or subtracting neighbor flux.

For example, using a segmentation array provided by sep.extract, we can compute the masked flux_radius that could otherwise be artificially large due to flux from nearby sources:

# list of object id numbers that correspond to the segments
seg_id = np.arange(1, len(objs)+1, dtype=np.int32)

r, flag = sep.flux_radius(data, objs['x'], objs['y'], 6.*objs['a'], 0.5,
                          seg_id=seg_id, seg=seg,
                          normflux=flux, subpix=5)

To enforce that a given measurement only includes pixels within a segment, provide negative values in the seg_id list. Otherwise the mask for a given object will be pixels with (seg == 0) | (seg_id == id_i).

The following functions include the segmentation masking: sum_circle, sum_circann, sum_ellipse, sum_ellipann, flux_radius , and kron_radius (winpos currently does not).

Masking image regions

Create a boolean array with elliptical regions set to True:

mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.bool)
sep.mask_ellipse(mask, objs['x'], objs['y'], obs['a'], objs['b'],
                 objs['theta'], r=3.)