
This tutorial shows the basic steps of using SEP to detect objects in an image and perform some basic aperture photometry.

Here, we use the fitsio package, just to read the test image, but you can also use astropy.io.fits for this purpose (or any other FITS reader).

import numpy as np
import sep
# additional setup for reading the test image and displaying plots
import fitsio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams

%matplotlib inline

rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10., 8.]
Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.

First, we’ll read an example image from a FITS file and display it, just to show what we’re dealing with. The example image is just 256 x 256 pixels.

# read image into standard 2-d numpy array
data = fitsio.read("../data/image.fits")
# show the image
m, s = np.mean(data), np.std(data)
plt.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', vmin=m-s, vmax=m+s, origin='lower')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f2b1aeeca10>

Background subtraction

Most optical/IR data must be background subtracted before sources can be detected. In SEP, background estimation and source detection are two separate steps.

# measure a spatially varying background on the image
bkg = sep.Background(data)

There are various options for controlling the box size used in estimating the background. It is also possible to mask pixels. For example:

bkg = sep.Background(data, mask=mask, bw=64, bh=64, fw=3, fh=3)

See the reference section for descriptions of these parameters.

This returns an Background object that holds information on the spatially varying background and spatially varying background noise level. We can now do various things with this Background object:

# get a "global" mean and noise of the image background:
# evaluate background as 2-d array, same size as original image
bkg_image = bkg.back()
# bkg_image = np.array(bkg) # equivalent to above
# show the background
plt.imshow(bkg_image, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', origin='lower')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f2b1add5ed0>
# evaluate the background noise as 2-d array, same size as original image
bkg_rms = bkg.rms()
# show the background noise
plt.imshow(bkg_rms, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray', origin='lower')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f2b1ad22350>
# subtract the background
data_sub = data - bkg

One can also subtract the background from the data array in-place by doing bkg.subfrom(data).


If the data array is not background-subtracted or the threshold is too low, you will tend to get one giant object when you run object detection using sep.extract. Or, more likely, an exception will be raised due to exceeding the internal memory constraints of the sep.extract function.

Object detection

Now that we’ve subtracted the background, we can run object detection on the background-subtracted data. You can see the background noise level is pretty flat. So here we’re setting the detection threshold to be a constant value of \(1.5 \sigma\) where \(\sigma\) is the global background RMS.

objects = sep.extract(data_sub, 1.5, err=bkg.globalrms)

sep.extract has many options for controlling detection threshold, pixel masking, filtering, and object deblending. See the reference documentation for details.

objects is a NumPy structured array with many fields.

# how many objects were detected

objects['x'] and objects['y'] will give the centroid coordinates of the objects. Just to check where the detected objects are, we’ll over-plot the object coordinates with some basic shape parameters on the image:

from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse

# plot background-subtracted image
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
m, s = np.mean(data_sub), np.std(data_sub)
im = ax.imshow(data_sub, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray',
               vmin=m-s, vmax=m+s, origin='lower')

# plot an ellipse for each object
for i in range(len(objects)):
    e = Ellipse(xy=(objects['x'][i], objects['y'][i]),
                angle=objects['theta'][i] * 180. / np.pi)

objects has many other fields, giving information such as second moments, and peak pixel positions and values. See the reference documentation for sep.extract for descriptions of these fields. You can see the available fields:

# available fields

Aperture photometry

Finally, we’ll perform simple circular aperture photometry with a 3 pixel radius at the locations of the objects:

flux, fluxerr, flag = sep.sum_circle(data_sub, objects['x'], objects['y'],
                                     3.0, err=bkg.globalrms, gain=1.0)

flux, fluxerr and flag are all 1-d arrays with one entry per object.

# show the first 10 objects results:
for i in range(10):
    print("object {:d}: flux = {:f} +/- {:f}".format(i, flux[i], fluxerr[i]))
object 0: flux = 2249.173164 +/- 291.027422
object 1: flux = 3092.230000 +/- 291.591821
object 2: flux = 5949.882168 +/- 356.561539
object 3: flux = 1851.435000 +/- 295.028419
object 4: flux = 72736.400605 +/- 440.171830
object 5: flux = 3860.762324 +/- 352.162684
object 6: flux = 6418.924336 +/- 357.458504
object 7: flux = 2210.745605 +/- 350.790787
object 8: flux = 2741.598848 +/- 352.277244
object 9: flux = 20916.877324 +/- 376.965683

Finally a brief word on byte order


If you are using SEP to analyze data read from FITS files with astropy.io.fits you may see an error message such as:

ValueError: Input array with dtype '>f4' has non-native byte order.
Only native byte order arrays are supported. To change the byte
order of the array 'data', do 'data = data.byteswap().newbyteorder()'

It is usually easiest to do this byte-swap operation directly after reading the array from the FITS file. You can even perform the byte swap in-place by doing

>>> data = data.byteswap(inplace=True).newbyteorder()

If you do this in-place operation, ensure that there are no other references to data, as they will be rendered nonsensical.

For the interested reader, this byteswap operation is necessary because astropy.io.fits always returns big-endian byte order arrays, even on little-endian machines. For more on this, see